As men age, the testosterone levels in their bodies start going into decline. This can become a
basis for many different health problems which only continue to exacerbate as they age. You
have probably seen men be afraid of their dreaded thirties and forties because they fear gaining
a potbelly or becoming couch potatoes. These changes all occur due to declining testosterone
levels. Therefore maintaining testosterone for health and vitality.
What is Testosterone?
In layman’s terms, testosterone is the male sex hormone. It plays an important part in producing
sperm and maintaining a person’s sex drive. It also plays a part in storing fat efficiently, and in
helping men gain muscle mass. It is also found in women in much lower quantities. It is primarily
produced in the testicles. Testosterone begins producing when puberty starts and the
production tends to lower when the man reaches his thirties.
Many men fix their daily schedules and begin focusing on their health as they age to maintain
their testosterone levels. Certain undesirable symptoms come to light as testosterone levels
decrease if they are not maintained:
What Happens If We Don’t Maintain Testosterone as We Age?
The following are the symptoms of low testosterone levels:
Sex Drive is Lowered
Men with low testosterone in their bodies will often express a decline in their desire to have sex.
This is because testosterone levels stimulate the person’s sex drive and as the testosterone is
lowered, so is the drive to have sex.
Difficulty Maintaining Erections
Perhaps, another reason why men with low testosterone do not want to have sex is that they
have difficulty maintaining erections.
Testosterone can stimulate a series of chemical reactions
in the brain and the body that lead to a person having an erection. As this person’s testosterone
levels drop down, the stimulation itself of the erections is halted.
Hair Loss
We have all heard of male pattern baldness and we all know a lot of men who begin to lose their
hair as they turn thirty, and sometimes even in their late twenties. Well, the reason for this hair
loss is also the decrease in testosterone levels inside the body! While baldness in men often
occurs due to hereditary reasons as well, a drop in testosterone levels can certainly accelerate
the process.
Testosterone levels in the body are also directly correlated with the energy levels of a person.
As men age and their testosterone levels go into decline, they begin to get tired more easily.
This is especially true if the person did not do anything to work on their strength when they were
Increase in Body Fat
The dreaded potbellies we all fear as we age too are symptoms of lowered testosterone levels.
Testosterone plays a vital role in converting fat into muscle and as the testosterone levels of a
person go into decline, they often begin losing muscle mass as well. Naturally, as muscle
mass is lost, the person begins to accumulate fat in their upper arms, back, and stomach. This
increase in body fat can be sudden and often works to shatter the confidence of the man.
Mood Swings
Men with lowered testosterone often experience more negative emotions than men with a good
amount of testosterone. The physical changes that the body undergoes can contribute to it
along with the fatigue that the person experiences. When people do not work on maintaining
their testosterone, they often become depressed as well.
How Can We Maintain Testosterone Levels as We Age?
The good news is that the decline in testosterone is not permanent. People can maintain their
testosterone levels and even increase them as they age if they just take care of themselves the
right way. For example:
Strength Training
Lifting weights is perhaps the best way for a man to work on maintaining his testosterone
levels. You should also try to get your heart rate up by doing cardio exercises since they help
you shed excess fat. Along with that, lifting weights can help in converting the extra fat stores
inside the body to muscle mass. It is a good idea to build a habit of regularly exercising from an
early age since it will be much easier to continue this habit well into your thirties than starting
anew when you are older.
Take in a Proper Diet
Make sure you are taking in a healthy amount of all food groups in your diet. To maintain
muscle mass and keep testosterone levels up, you need to eat proteins. But eating protein
alone can hinder the normal functions of your body so you must balance it out with healthy fats
and carbohydrates as well. Make sure you take in the recommended amount of calories per
day which is 2500 calories for the average man. Taking in more calories can also lead to
Vitamin Intake
The single most important vitamin that can help you with maintaining your testosterone is
Vitamin D. You can find it in foods such as fish and spinach. Activating Vitamin D requires
exposure to sunlight. Other than that, you need to maintain levels of zinc and magnesium to prevent testosterone
levels from dropping down as well.
Sleep Properly
Testosterone levels can also drop in men who do not get enough sleep in a day. In fact, a single
week of insufficient sleep can lead to a 15% drop in testosterone levels. So make sure you
catch your Zs every night, especially after you have turned 30, to prevent testosterone
deficiency from kicking in.
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“The human body has been designed to resist an infinite number of changes and attacks brought about by its environment. The secret of good health lies in successful adjustment to changing stresses on the body.” – Harry J. Johnson
This content is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of such advice or treatment from a personal physician. All readers/viewers of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. The Green Naturopath takes no responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.